Here are some things I’ve worked on.
- Designed a pipelined processor in SystemVerilog for the RISC-V ISA
- Used P6 style renaming, an N-way superscalar design, early tag broadcast, early branch resolution, and GShare branch prediction.
- Also incorporated instruction prefetching, non-blocking instruction and data caches (N-way set-associative and banked, respectively), a victim cache, and a load-store queue with forwarding.
- Achieved a clock frequency of ~94MHz and an average CPI of 1.7 on a suite of programs including GNU libraries, Alexnet, sorting algorithms, and geometric functions.
- s/o Bradley, Miah, Arjun, Sunny, and Jack.
- Report.
Roll Over Beethoven: A Cloth Piano
- A foldable, portable piano/keyboard.
- Comprises the core instrument with cloth keys (on foldable card paper), a graphics display (for feedback and tutorials), and a sustain pedal.
- Wrote drivers for the sensors and display, synthesized different timbres, and created a tutorial in C.
- Code.
Formal Verification of FtTokenCMP
EECS 270 RTL DV Autograder
- As a TA, co-developed testing frameworks in Verilog, set up Docker environments, and wrote testbenches to verify student FPGA designs.
- Deployed on, and used by every computer engineering student at Michigan (~300/semester).
FPGA Design Projects
- Four function calculator, traffic lights controller, and carry lookahead adder.
- Deployed and verified on Altera DE2-115 boards.
Robotic Planning and Controls Projects
- iLQR implementation in Pytorch for the inverted double-pendulum on a cart.
- MPC and MPPI for linearizing cartpole and robot arm dynamics.
- Dynamics from state measurements, with Gaussian processes.
Misc C/C++ Projects
- RISC-V assembler, simulator, linker
- Pipeline and cache simulators in C
- Tarjan’s pairing heap
- SQL-like relational database
- Among Us simulator with optimal TSP
- Seam-carving for image resizing
- Piazza posts classifier
- Plants vs Zombies simulator
- Euchre simulator